Monday, October 6, 2008

Flat packed fun

We went to Ikea this weekend, because Simon needed some shelves for work.
I know, its almost too exciting.

But then, it actually was!
There is a brand new Ikea in Brooklyn with a free ferry which runs from the end of our street directly to the shop!!

Much more exciting than trying to deal with the traffic in Pearly Way, Croydon.

Obviously we didnt actually buy any shelves, but we did buy lots of other random bits and pieces we hadnt known we needed until we got there.

And to top it all off I had the world's best sticky bun as a reward for all my hard work shopping.
It was from the horrible canteen on the way out of the shop and I only had it as I was experiencing a severe drop in blood sugar, but it was DELICIOUS.

So from now on, whenever I want a treat, I will take the free ferry to Ikea for a sticky bun.
Living the high life in NYC!

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