Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Finally, FINALLY, I have my visa.

I am now official and legal and totally allowed to stay in the States for the next year, with no to-ing and fro-ing to get an extension on my dates.

What a relief!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Sorry, no time for full sentences, this is going to be too long as it is!

Desperately cleaning up after Simon and Keely both had to make loads of drinks in the kitchen for their jobs.
Still scrubbing the floor (sugar syrup!!) when Keely made it back from her job!
Suddenly, doorbell goes, and there they are! Right before my very eyes! Sophie and Gerry!!!
Earlier than expected and I’m not done cleaning, briefly think “bugger”, then run screaming into the corridor to pounce on them as they come out of the lift.
Experience moment of absolute bliss as we settle on the sofa with a bottle of wine.

Head out into the big city for a mini tour, some shopping and then to Ricky’s, which is like a dressing up dream.
Buy final bits of our costumes and Hugh Heffner jacket and pipe for Simon.
Back to the flat, all conk out on the sofa.
Getting ready, drinking lots to be brave enough to effectively just be dressing in underwear.
Vicky and George arrive with some amazing makeup and dresses.
Lots more booze.
Order pizza.
Chase pizza.
Yell at pizza company.
Andy arrives.
Pizza arrives.
Realize we have pretty much missed the parade now – bugger. Stupid pizza.
Go straight to pub, half price drinks for people in costume.
Dancing on benches. Lots of laughing.

Thankfully not too hungover.
Head to Grand Central and pick up McMez.
Go to Central Diner for amazing French toast.
More site-seeing and shopping.
Back home for another nap, out for Mexican, then to Bowery for Tom’s gig.

Off to Central Park for pony ride, discover ponies are banned for the marathon.
Huh, had forgotten about that.
Watch the winners.
Head to ice rink.
Gerry and Merrie too chicken to skate, me and Soph are awesome.
Or rather she is, and she keeps me upright.
FAO Schwartz also fab, and I finally get to run a scale on the giant floor keyboard from Big.
What to do now I have achieved my lifetime ambition?
More shopping, back home, pack, send all girls on their separate ways, weep into Simon’s shoulder.

Love the lovely girls.
Thank you for coming.


You know you are reaching new levels of panic and anxiety when you have to make a master list of all your lists to keep track of them.

Shortly, I suspect, I will make a list of possible lists that have yet to be made, for fear I lose track of any of them.

Anyone know a good therapist?!

Actually forget that, I just want the drugs.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Wow. What an amazing night to be in America.
I was really jealous that I couldn't actually participate, but I feel as though somehow my hoping was almost as good as a vote.

I am equal parts amazed and delighted that America elected its first black President.
Its incredible how far this country has come in a relatively short time.
It is a wonderful statement to the world at large, that people can overcome their prejudices for the greater good.

However, I would hate to see this election become entirely about race.
Let's not cheapen this victory, lessen this man's achievement, or insult the intelligence of African Americans by implying that they only voted for Obama because of the colour of his skin.

There simply arent enough black voters to get a president elected.
Young, old, black, white, and everybody in between - over half this country wanted Obama to be their president.

Because he inspired them.
Because he dared them to hope, and to believe, and he convinced them it was safe to do so.

And whoever had won, the biggest winner really is the country.
So many new voters registered, and most of them did actually show up on the day and cast their vote.
Everyone should be inspired again to see that their voice can be heard, and they can make a difference.
So many of those people were young, and I think that shows us that young people today don't necessarily see race the same way older people did.
They have never known a segregated world and its hard for them to imagine or understand.
They voted, quite simply, for the better candidate.
The one who they believe can help them and their country.
As of course did millions of others.

And now a whole new generation of kids will grow up thinking that a black president is nothing special.
So that when they grow up, whoever they elect, race wont even be an issue.
How amazing is that?

(Although the more I learn about the voting system over here the less sure I am about one vote counting etc etc, but thats a whole other story.)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Dancing on Ice here I come

I have been ice skating TWICE in ONE weekend, which I think now makes me a pro.

I also did lots of other lovely things this weekend, which I will write about shortly.