Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Wow. What an amazing night to be in America.
I was really jealous that I couldn't actually participate, but I feel as though somehow my hoping was almost as good as a vote.

I am equal parts amazed and delighted that America elected its first black President.
Its incredible how far this country has come in a relatively short time.
It is a wonderful statement to the world at large, that people can overcome their prejudices for the greater good.

However, I would hate to see this election become entirely about race.
Let's not cheapen this victory, lessen this man's achievement, or insult the intelligence of African Americans by implying that they only voted for Obama because of the colour of his skin.

There simply arent enough black voters to get a president elected.
Young, old, black, white, and everybody in between - over half this country wanted Obama to be their president.

Because he inspired them.
Because he dared them to hope, and to believe, and he convinced them it was safe to do so.

And whoever had won, the biggest winner really is the country.
So many new voters registered, and most of them did actually show up on the day and cast their vote.
Everyone should be inspired again to see that their voice can be heard, and they can make a difference.
So many of those people were young, and I think that shows us that young people today don't necessarily see race the same way older people did.
They have never known a segregated world and its hard for them to imagine or understand.
They voted, quite simply, for the better candidate.
The one who they believe can help them and their country.
As of course did millions of others.

And now a whole new generation of kids will grow up thinking that a black president is nothing special.
So that when they grow up, whoever they elect, race wont even be an issue.
How amazing is that?

(Although the more I learn about the voting system over here the less sure I am about one vote counting etc etc, but thats a whole other story.)

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