Thursday, July 3, 2008


The country bumpkins (otherwise known as the Christies) came in from Long Island a couple of Fridays ago for a night on the tiles.
And a jolly good time was had by all.

(By the way, I am doing an excellent job of protecting my Britishness by using words like ‘jolly’ and ‘marvelous’ as much as possible.)

Anyway, we started off with a bit of bubbly at home as they had quite a traumatic journey in, including going the wrong way on the subway!
Then we went to Harry’s for some steak as that was what the lady had requested.
And somehow we were really drunk and annoying almost from the moment we arrived.
I complained because they couldn’t make either of the drinks I wanted, Simon complained because he wanted the other menu (apparently he has eaten here a few too many times), Andy complained about the beer and at the end we all complained that we were too full because the steak was too damn good.

We moved on to our local Irish pub where we somehow became embroiled in a game of trying to hold straws as moustaches and then trying to pass said straws from person to person, using only the upper lip.
Needless to say lots of straws ended up on the floor, and lots of people thought we were insane.

And finally we cabbed over to the East Village (don’t listen to what the papers say about the cost of ‘gas’ over here, its still so much cheaper than at home and cabs are super cheap) and went to DBA.
It’s a strange little dive bar with a space invaders machine that Simon desperately wanted to play on and then proceeded to ignore.

At 3.30 Vicky and I could take no more and headed home, finally going to bed at 4am, my current NYC record.
I felt very proud.

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